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Dr Simon Tucker

Dr Simon Tucker


(07) 3463 0704

Suite 1, 92 Merthyr Road, New Farm QLD 4005

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Dr Simon Tucker's profile

Dr Tucker's primary practice is located in New Farm, where he provides comprehensive dermatological care to patients. He is affiliated with the Ramsay Surgical Centre Cairns, allowing him to extend his services to a wider community. Dr Tucker's expertise lies in the diagnosis and management of a variety of skin conditions, with a special interest in the treatment of skin cancer, acne, and inflammatory conditions like eczema and psoriasis. In his practice, Dr Tucker employs a holistic approach to skin health and offers systemic treatments, including biologics, when necessary. He specialises in using Mohs Micrographic Surgery for the effective removal of skin tumors, particularly those located on the face. This surgical technique ensures complete tumor removal while minimizing the removal of healthy skin surrounding the site. Dr Tucker also conducts patch testing to investigate potential contact allergies associated with eczema. This comprehensive approach allows him to provide personalized and effective treatment plans for his patients. He is dedicated to early detection, accurate diagnosis, and the most appropriate and advanced treatment options available. With over 18 years of experience, Dr Simon Tucker is highly regarded in the Cairns community for his expertise in dermatology. His commitment to providing exceptional medical care makes him a valuable asset to Cairns Day Surgery and Cairns Skin Centre, where he offers personalized and comprehensive dermatological services. To learn more about Dr Tucker's surgical approach to skin cancer treatment using Mohs Micrographic Surgery, please visit the website:

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Suite 1, 92 Merthyr Road, New Farm QLD 4005

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