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Is Zable Health a Scam? Debunking Myths and Building Trust

When it comes to choosing a healthcare service, it's natural to have questions and concerns. Recently, some forum posts on platforms like Whirlpool have raised questions about Zable Health, leading to a spike in searches like "Is Zable a scam?" This article aims to address these concerns, provide accurate information about Zable Health, and highlight the ways in which we are working to improve healthcare access and outcomes for Australians.

A Message from Our Co-Founders

Hello, everyone; we want to address the concerns and queries raised regarding our platform.

We have read your concerns and issues; some are more than fair. But let us start by explaining why we exist and the problem we are trying to solve. Then, we will address the individual points you have all raised.

About Zable Health

As you know, we are a healthcare platform, but we're more than that; we exist with a clear mission—to improve patient experience and outcomes by creating clearer pathways to care.

Our vision is simple: to ensure help is always within reach for those who need it most. We have a dedicated team that works tirelessly to help patients navigate their healthcare journey with simplicity, transparency, and accessibility.

We are focused on what we see as a critical gap in the healthcare system, specifically the pathways for patients referred to medical specialists.

I think we can all agree that our healthcare system is comparatively very good, but there are always areas with room for improvement. One of these areas is the current pathways to specialist care—we see them as inefficient pathways that lack transparency and are detrimental to the health outcomes of patients. We believe patients wait longer than they need to, and some, we know, ignore their GPs recommendations altogether because of accessibility issues.

Recent reports from the Commonwealth Bank highlight the pathway issues. They revealed that 28% of referrals to specialists are left unactioned by patients due to problems of cost and accessibility. This leads to tens of thousands of preventable complications and, tragically, unnecessary deaths each year.

A 2022 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report identified many patients whose referrals are left unactioned for two main reasons: accessibility and cost. These reports identify 19-28% of referrals as unactioned, which demonstrates a problem that isn't acceptable.

Addressing Your Concerns

Claims that Zable lists doctors without their knowledge.

This is true. We list healthcare professionals on Zable based on publicly available information without their knowledge or opt-in. Our goal is to provide patients with comprehensive market visibility, enabling them to make informed healthcare decisions.

It's important to note that we do not charge healthcare providers for these listings or require their participation. We facilitate patient inquiries to practices at no cost, offering a valuable service to patients who may struggle to reach practices, especially after hours.

Healthcare providers have the option to claim and update their profiles on our platform to ensure accuracy. We strongly encourage this to keep information current. If any provider wishes to have their profile removed, they can do so easily.

We believe this approach benefits both patients and providers by improving accessibility and visibility within the healthcare market.

Confusion regarding the booking process and referral instructions.

Our goal is to make the process of requesting an appointment as straightforward as possible.

Our research shows that many specialists' practices require a referral letter to triage before an appointment can be made. We also know that getting that letter (especially if it is a physical copy) can be a real challenge for patients. So, in the coming weeks, we will be releasing a product that helps alleviate this issue impacting accessibility.

However, we acknowledge that there may be some continual areas for improvement, and from time to time, there may be hiccups as we do our best to improve the pathways. Based on user feedback, we are constantly working to refine our process. If you have encountered specific issues, please let us know so we can address them directly.

Doubts about the legitimacy of Zable Health as a company.

Zable Health was founded to address gaps in the healthcare system. We are a registered and legitimate business dedicated to improving healthcare accessibility. Our mission is driven by a genuine desire to make a positive impact on patient outcomes. We are always open to feedback and committed to building trust with both patients and practitioners.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these concerns. Our goal is to create a platform that serves the best interests of everyone involved in the healthcare process. Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention, and we look forward to working with you to improve our services.


Matthew & Scott - Co-founders

Conclusion: Is Zable a Scam?

Zable Health is dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes by providing a transparent, reliable, and accessible platform for patients and GPs. We understand the concerns some may have and are committed to addressing them with clear and accurate information. Our mission is to make healthcare navigation simple and empowering for all Australians.

Patients and healthcare providers can work together to achieve better health outcomes by staying informed and using trusted platforms like Zable Health.

Frequently asked questions

Is Zable Health a trustworthy platform?

Zable Health is dedicated to transparency and reliability. Our platform is designed to provide accurate information on specialist fees and wait times, ensuring patients and GPs can make informed decisions.

Why are there negative posts about Zable Health on forums like Whirlpool?

Negative posts often arise from misunderstandings or lack of information. We are working to address these misconceptions by providing clear, factual information about our services and the benefits we offer to the healthcare community.

How does Zable Health help in reducing wait times for specialist appointments?

By providing transparent information about specialists' availability, Zable Health helps patients and GPs find the right specialist with shorter wait times. This streamlines the referral process and improves overall healthcare efficiency.

How does Zable Health ensure the accuracy of the information provided?

We regularly update our database and verify information directly with specialists to ensure accuracy. Our commitment to transparency means that patients and GPs can rely on the information provided.

What is the problem Zable Health is solving?

Healthcare navigation can be challenging, with patients often facing long wait times and high consultation fees. Zable Health addresses these issues by providing a platform that offers transparency and ease of access to specialist services.

Medical fact-checkers
Medical reviewers
Zable has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
    Content Disclaimer

    This content is general in nature and is for informational purposes only - it does not constitute medical advice. Content on Zable is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Read more from our Content Disclaimer

    Millie Chamberlain
    Medical Writer, Bsc
    Published on May 16, 2024
    Article last updated on June 20, 2024
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    Zable is an Australian health platform on a mission to make healthcare simpler, faster—and most importantly, more accessible for all Australians.
    Expand Directory is a Zable Health Pty Ltd Company. All rights reserved. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Zable does not provide individual medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. .