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Dr Peter Ellims


(03) 9417 7699

320 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002

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Dr Peter Ellims's profile

Dr Ellims currently practices in the bustling city of Melbourne, where he provides his expertise and compassionate care to patients seeking treatment for various types of cancer. His primary focus is on delivering personalized, evidence-based care to each individual, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

With a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding cancer and its treatment options, Dr Ellims stays up to date with the latest advancements and research in the field. He continuously enhances his knowledge and skills through ongoing education and training.

Known for his strong communication skills and ability to explain complex medical information in a compassionate and accessible manner, Dr Ellims strives to empower his patients to make informed decisions regarding their treatment. He works closely with a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive care, emphasizing a patient-centered approach.

While Dr Ellims maintains a busy practice, his commitment to patient care extends beyond his clinical responsibilities. He actively participates in professional medical societies and conferences, engaging in discussions and collaborations to advance the field of oncology. Additionally, he is involved in ongoing research projects related to cancer treatment and management.

Dr Ellims upholds the highest standards of ethical practice and maintains a reputation for professionalism and integrity. He is dedicated to ensuring each patient receives the highest quality of care, tailored to their specific needs. By combining his vast knowledge, expertise, and compassionate nature, Dr Peter Ellims continues to make a significant impact in the field of oncology.

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320 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002

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